Raising awareness on digital minimalism AgaInst Digital wAste for improved digital sustainability behaviours among youth

AIDA: “Raising awareness on digital minimalism AgaInst Digital wAste for improved digital sustainability behaviours among youth” is an Erasmus+ Small Scale Cooperation Partnership in the field of Youth that involves 3 partners from 2 Countries (Spain and Slovenia), who will work together at involving young generations that are already keen on using various digital tools and present them with the need and applicability of the sustainability aspect within. Thus, this can indirectly targets the unnecessary digital hoarding and positively impacts the cybersecurity of the users as well as their energy consumption patterns. Moreover, sustainable use of digital tools and digital housekeeping can also lead to better mental health and general well-being.
During 18 months of project implementation, AIDA aims to develop the following list of Outcomes & Project Results:
• Multilingual and Multilevel Project Website: available in English, Spanish and Slovenian.
• Field research & awareness campaign, will represent a baseline for the project AIDA and serve as preliminary feedback on the actual status of knowledge among youth, that are supposed to be quite digitally literate.

• E-booklet on AIDA recommendations, which will cover planning the digital decluttering process, digital archiving approaches and time management, digital detox, applying digital minimalism concept against digital hoarding, screen scheduling tips, better explanation of digital footprint, etc.
• Youth training in Slovenia for 12 young participants in order to foster gaining of new knowledge and competencies. Also, to carry out an evaluation of information obtained from participants, as the basis for further improvements and changes in the e-content, if necessary.

• Final AIDA online workshop: closing external event for 30 attendees from various stakeholder databases, interested in receiving in-depth presentation and application model for further use and implementation process across EU.
• YOUNG PEOPLE (18-28 years): who use digital tools and devices on a daily regular basis, whether be for work, educational or personal purposes and are interested in acquiring sustainable techniques for digital decluttering, digital minimalism in optimizing their presence in the digital world. We will promote their critical thinking, collaboration and development of the digital competences to manage their digital footprint sustainably.
• STAFF (SCHOOL CONSULTANTS, YOUTH WORKERS, WORK MANAGERS…) in different institutions working with young people (e.g., youth organizations, NGOs) who are interested in increasing their knowledge on sustainable use of digital devices and crucial areas of individual’s digital footprint.
• Organizations of the project consortium and their personnel in receiving new knowledge as we are all organizations working in the digital world, with lots of data, need of proper archiving, optimizing our digitalized management and our digital footprint of our activities, etc.
*Additional target groups will be identified and targeted alongside the project implementation and any other interested parties can also benefit from the freely accessible results, green methodologies and findings of the project AIDA.

Raising awareness on digital minimalism AgaInst Digital wAste for improved digital sustainability behaviours among youth

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Project No: 2022-3-ES02-KA210-YOU-000093411