Almost everything we do online increases our carbon footprint. This is described as used server space and energy. A part of that digital footprint can be described as digital waste – meaning data that we have created online, but no longer use. Digital waste has grown exponentially over the last decade as storage of data — such as e-mails, pictures, audio and video files, etc. — has shifted to the online sphere.

Thus, the “noise” of the digital world can slow down our productivity and sustainable lifestyle choices (due to consumerism and marketing online, things on constant demand). In case of younger generations, this is mainly done via social media use and the cyber influencers that are selling the unsustainable lifestyle picture, which is visually very attractive to them. Therefore, in this context was conceived the idea of AIDA: “Raising awareness on digital minimalism AgaInst Digital wAste for improved digital sustainability behaviours among youth” is an Erasmus+ Small Scale Cooperation Partnership in the field of Youth that involves 3 partners from 2 Countries (Spain and Slovenia), who will work together at involving young generations that are already keen on using various digital tools and present them with the need and applicability of the sustainability aspect within. Thus, this can indirectly targets the unnecessary digital hoarding and positively impacts the cybersecurity of the users as well as their energy consumption patterns. Moreover, sustainable use of digital tools and digital housekeeping can also lead to better mental health and general well-being.
Finally, during the past 2nd & 3rd of March 2023 the kick-off meeting of the project AIDA took place in Maribor (Slovenia) and, during this occasion the 3 project Partners were able to discuss in detail all the next planned activities and digital tools that will be soon available for young people as well as for youth workers, trainers, educators, volunteers,etc., who are interested in increasing their knowledge on sustainable use of digital devices and crucial areas of individual’s digital footprint.
As an anticipation, please check out the brand-new project website, available in English, Slovenian and Spanish language.
Thanks for your attention and Stay Tuned for more news about the project AIDA.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Project No: 2022-3-ES02-KA210-YOU-000093411