The partnership has been working hard in the final stretch of the project’s implementation! On the 29th and 30th of May, the partners held the final Transnational Partners Meeting in Jávea, Spain, to discuss the final steps in the project’s development lifespan, and the next steps to promote and ensure the project’s long-lasting impact after the implementation period ends. Through the educational content such as the e-booklet, as well as the Awareness Campaign’s significant effect on stakeholders and all who participated, the project will last long beyond the end of its implementation.

On the 29th of May, the partners also hosted the project’s Online Workshop, where all partners were gathered together to team up and deliver an engaging workshop on digital minimalism and how AIDA works to promote digital sustainability and minimalism to a wider audience, including its impact on young people and the efforts the project has made to engage all target audiences. Through this online workshop, the partnership was able to reach over 30 participants from Slovenia, Spain and all of Europe, reaching members of all key target groups and diverse stakeholders and ensuring the project raised awareness and interaction with the great educational resources developed.

As the project comes to an end, the partnership reflects on the impact AIDA has had not only on the target audiences, but also on the partners themselves, with a very positive outlook towards the future of the content and message of the project, and excitement to see what comes next!
Thanks for your attention and Stay Tuned for more about the project AIDA.